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BRAND:        Dutch Decal
Decalset:       DD72105
Scale:             1/72
Price:  approx.  EUR 16,-


Recently the 105th edition of Dutch Decals appeared on the market in 1/72 with subjects in Royal Netherlands Air Force (KLu) liveries:   the Hawker Hunter and the Republic F-84F Thunderstreak and the Republic RF-84F Thunderflash. The set again offers a large choice of options, unfortunately you cannot build them all, you will have to purchase several sets for that.

Unlike other editions, Dutch Decal does not give a model suggestion on this set. It is also not the only set with Hunter, Streak, and Flash. However, there is plenty of choice. The extended color profiles are printed in color on an expanded sheet with a loose insert sheet.

In addition to the necessary letters in white and black (even 1x yellow the 4R-10), the decalset also contains squadron emblems, of course rosettes, inscriptions and other beautiful things such as the Papuan flag to make your model a beautiful result.

The possibilities:

The first Hunter still build of English parts N-1.
Then the registrations - 3W-26, Y9-19, Y9-31, 4R-10 (in yellow), 7E-17, N-111 with Papuan flag on the tail, N-202, N-213 and N-283.

Thunderstreak (bare metal)
registrations in black - PP-7, PP-9, DU-15, TA-11, TB-20, 8T-4, 8T-14, TC-10, P-108, P-124, P-177, P-183 and P-210.

Thunderstreak (camouflaged)
TB-14 with black registration, the rest with white P-167, P-171, P-182, P-212, P-214 and P-251.

with black registration TP-3, TP-7, TP-10, TP-17 and P-9 and in white, P-6 and P-24. Thanks to Dutch Decal for providing this set for review.



Reviewer :  Fred Bachofner



  • DD721050001
  • DD721050002
  • DD721050003
  • DD721050004


aaanlmillv  TIP: check out our history section: NedMil sectie.... 


this article was published October 2023  (c) Copyright IPMS Nederland